All posts in Adoption Stories

  • Pastor Greg Gill

    What an amazing trip for the 21 individuals that partnered with IC Orphans for a trip to China in July 2010.  Our primary purpose was to go to serve a foster care home, which included conducting a Vacation Bible School for children, taking care of and holding babies, and creating  some special events (pool party, cookout, and special show) for the kids and staff.  We also sensed God’s grace in serving and getting to know the staff and workers.  We believe that our presence was a blessing to them as well.  There were additional connections made that increased our friendship and prayers for the people of China.   To top it off we had some fun cultural excursions for shopping, dinners, and walking some of the Great Wall.

    I have been on numerous short term teams to many places worldwide, but have never been led as well from start to finish as I was with Dan Dubell.  The unity, faith, and servant’s heart that was built into the team was the best experience that I have ever seen on a short term mission trip.  (even with some members coming from another church).  Dan did a great job in connecting team members and releasing them to grow in their gifts and abilities.   The worship and pursuit of God and His Father heart continued to keep us focused on God in all the challenges from fund raising to trials that inevitably arise.

    Even now, a few years later, the effect on many team members’ lives is evident in their words, generosity, prayers, conversations, and return visits to China to serve.  Thank you IC Orphans for making this mission trip one that will always be remembered!

  • china_orphans

    Pastor David and Jean Walker

    As God led our family to begin our 3rd adoption, it was by far the largest step of faith my husband and I had taken. The financial aspect alone was daunting and overwhelming. Since we have always lived solely on my husband’s salary, our first two adoptions were financed by the savings set aside from my previous years of work. However, God had “surprised” us with the 3rd adoption—TWIN infant girls from China! We realized quickly that God had something special in store for us and for our church family (where my husband is pastor). It took a great deal of humility to ask for financial help, but we felt God was leading us to send out letters of testimony asking for support from “everyone” we knew. We soon came to realize that we would need a 501c3 organization for folks to give non-taxable donations through a reliable source.

    I began researching organizations that did this, and was disheartened to discover that several kept a percentage of the money donated to cover their expenses. Then I came upon IC Orphans. Initially, I was a bit discouraged to read that their focus had shifted from assisting in the financial portion, but I felt led to contact them anyway. After sharing a bit of our story via email, I received a personal reply from Dan Dubell saying he felt the Board would be more than willing to receive donations on behalf of our family. Although it seems to be a small thing, it was huge to us. God used this simple acknowledgement to encourage us greatly and to affirm that He was indeed leading as we followed in faith and obedience. I also think that God connected us with Dan and IC Orphans for reasons that we may not yet even be aware of, and we are anxious to see what may come of that in the days ahead. Thank you, IC Orphans, for representing God’s voice as you said “yes” and walked beside us in such a practical way!