Help 30 women in Zimbabwe – Sewing Zimbabwe Project
For those that don’t know me, I am Dan Dubell. I am the founder and President of IC Orphans. A charitable 501 ( C ) 3 that has been helping orphans and vulnerable children for the past 16+ years.
I am currently trying to raise $4,000 to help 30 women in Zimbabwe. These women have been feeding their families through prostitution until they were rescued out of that lifestyle by a group working in that country.
The request came at this time, due to where they are at in the process:
- These 30 women have all gone through a phase of Emotional and Spiritual healing
- After much growth emotionally and spiritually, they have gone through Entrepreneurial training.
- The next phase for them is to start their own business. That is where this plea that I am making comes in. The workers there want to provide them with sewing machines so they can make dresses and sell them to provide for their families.
I am working in cooperation with the church in New Jersey that has the long-term relationship with the workers there. This is a fully vetted and therefore legitimate work that is doing MUCH good! They are shipping a container to their team there by the end of November so we need to move fast to pull this together.
One gentleman that has been doing his part for many years helping women throughout the world with providing sewing machines (Gino Rich), said it this way: “What makes sewing machines so valuable for these African women? It’s not like giving them a car or a house. It’s much bigger than that. Think of taking a homeless person off the street and making them a CEO of a major company. That’s what giving an African woman a sewing machine does for her.”
Funds for this project can be donated tax deductible at and click on the Red Donate button in the upper right-hand part of the page. Once there click one-time donor button. Please put Sewing Zimbabwe Project in the comment box.
I will send updates as the funds come in.
Honestly, I am praying we receive $8,000 in donations, so we are ready, in the near future for the next request for 30 machines for the other women they are working to rescue now!
Thanks for considering helping!!!